“Jason of Star Command” is a classic sci-fi TV show that follows the adventures of Commander Jason, a skilled space pilot, and his team as they protect the galaxy from the evil forces of Dragos. Set in a futuristic universe filled with intergalactic battles and daring rescues, the show combines thrilling action with elements of comedy and suspense. Alongside his loyal crew and their advanced weaponry, Jason faces various challenges, uncovers hidden secrets, and forms alliances to ensure the safety of the universe.
Table of Contents
Broadcast History
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Network: CBS
Broadcast: 1977-1978
We don’t have a broadcast history for this show yet.
Actor | Character(s) | Notes | |
Actor Name | … | Role |
Regulars & Guest Stars
Actor | Character(s) | Notes | |
Actor Name | … | Role |
Theme Song / Opening Credits
There were 2 seasons and 28 episodes of Jason of Star Command. We have not completed an episode guide for Jason of Star Command yet.
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