Of course, there were plenty of his other works that I enjoyed, Maverick, Support Your Local Sheriff, Move Over, Darling, My Fellow Americans, and the list goes on. Every time I hear “Hail to the Chief”, I hear in my head “Hail to the chief. If you don’t, I’ll have to kill you. I am the chief, so you’d better watch your step, you bastards.” And it brings a smile to my face. That was James Garner in a nutshell, he brought a smile to your face.
It’s sad when we lose an acting legend, but there are some who’s impact in your life is so great, it’s like losing a member of the family. For me, James Garner is one of those. I have so many great memories of watching him with family. Rest In Peace, James Garner. Farewell, Bret Maverick. So long, Jim Rockford. We’ll miss you.