7 Historical Facts According to Chekov

Any fan of Star Trek The Original Series knows that Chekov was very proud of his Russian heritage. He often attributed inventions, discoveries, and anything good to Russia. Here are seven examples of the not-entirely-accurate history according to Chekov.

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Who Mourns For Adonais?

In the episode “Who Mourns For Adonais?”, Kirk wonders where Apollo went after he disappeared. Chekov remarks that he disappeared “like the cat in that Russian story”. He was, of course, referring to the Chesire cat in “Alice In Wonderland”, which was written by English author Lewis Carroll.

The Apple

On Gamma Trianguli VI (“The Apple”), the landing party compared the beauty of the place to the Garden of Eden. Chekov insisted the true location of the Garden of Eden was “just outside Moscow”. Many scholars believe it was actually located in Iraq between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

The Deadly Years

Now, we come to the only fact on this list that Chekov remembers correctly. In “The Deadly Years”, Commodore Stocker takes control of the Enterprise and gets into trouble in the Romulan Neutral Zone. He proposes surrendering, but Chekov tells him “Sir, the Romulans don’t take captives.” In the season 1 episode “Balance of Terror”, Spock’s briefing confirms this fact when he states that in the Starfleet war with the Romulans in the previous century, neither side took prisoners of war due to the small size of the ships.

The Trouble With Tribbles

In “The Trouble With Tribbles”, Chekov claimed that Russians invented quadrotriticale. Quadrotriticale had its origins in a grain called triticale (which does exist and is a hybrid of wheat and rye), which was developed in Canada.

Also in “The Trouble With Tribbles”, it was revealed that John Burke had mapped the space near the disputed Sherman’s Planet. Chekov, however, believed the accolades for that belonged to one Ivan Burkoff.

Scotty calls Chekov’s vodka a “milk diet”. Chekov then jokingly claims that a “little old lady from Leningrad” invented Scotch.

Day of the Dove

When Chekov freaks out in “Day of the Dove”, he swears he is going to avenge the death of his brother Piotr. He claimed his brother was killed in a Klingon raid. Sulu reveals that Chekov was an only child.

And there you have it, seven times Chekov’s recollection of history was mostly flawed. It did make for some amusing moments in the show.

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